Tuesday, March 3, 2009


SO MY APOLOGIES for disappearing from the blogosphere. I can't really say what's been up, I've just been fairly stagnant creatively lately. I have been feeling amazing lately, though, like I hit up a Tony Robbins seminar followed by meditation and a high colonic. I was driving (well, being driven) to a friend's house in Glendale, and the sun was setting and casting this amazing glow over the mountains and I was suddenly grinning with this effervescence shooting out of my head. I felt at one with the universe. Everything was perfect. I could (and still can) do anything I want to, and I was everything all at once. It's hard to put into words, but it was almost like a moment of clarity for a depressed person to suddenly see all his gifts. I'm smart, funny, well-liked, well-traveled, well-spoken, and I've got shelter. I'm 21 years old and drug and disease free. Sorry if this sounds preachy and isn't the nihilistic dickhead talking that you've grown accustomed to, but I like this guy better anyway.  The world is wide the fuck open, and if you're privileged enough to be reading this (to have a computer, anyway),  odds are you're more blessed than you think, too. If you don't believe me, just remember one thing.

You could have a pimp.

Ciao for Now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah i love your blog.